What is IFRA?

close up of fragrance oil bottles in a row on wooden shelf

WHAT IS IFRA? The International Fragrance Association (IFRA) is the global body representing fragrance ingredient manufacturers and compounders.

WHAT DO THEY DO? IFRA sets the maximum safe use levels of fragrances in finished consumer products based on scientific research into potential health and environmental effects of ingredients used to make the fragrance.  These limits (called IFRA Standards) are set with independent scientific research from the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM).

WHY DOES IFRA MATTER?  IFRA standards keep consumers and the environment safe.  In 2020, IFRA announced a major update to their requirements, called 49th Amendment.  This Amendment expands the scope and restrictions of materials for increased transparency and consumer safety.

The International Fragrance Association (IFRA) is a global trade association representing the fragrance industry. IFRA is dedicated to ensuring the safety and sustainability of fragrances and their ingredients. It works to establish standards and guidelines that regulate the use of fragrance materials in various consumer products, including perfumes, cosmetics, personal care items, cleaning products, and more.

IFRA's main function is to develop the IFRA Code of Practice, a comprehensive set of guidelines that govern the use of fragrance ingredients to ensure consumer safety and prevent adverse health effects. The IFRA Code of Practice is continuously updated based on scientific research and risk assessments.

Here's how IFRA regulates fragrance:

1. **Safety Assessment:** IFRA evaluates the potential risks associated with fragrance materials by conducting thorough safety assessments. This involves assessing factors such as toxicity, allergenicity, sensitization, and other potential health impacts.

2. **Usage Limits:** Based on the safety assessments, IFRA establishes usage limits for specific fragrance ingredients. These limits specify the maximum concentration of an ingredient that can be used in a product to ensure consumer safety.

3. **Categories and Standards:** IFRA categorizes fragrance materials based on their sensitization potential and sets standards for each category. Fragrance formulations must adhere to these standards to ensure that they are safe for consumers.

4. **Research and Science:** IFRA actively supports scientific research to better understand the safety of fragrance materials. This research informs the development of the IFRA Code of Practice and helps ensure that the fragrance industry remains up-to-date with the latest scientific findings.

5. **Transparency:** IFRA provides its members with access to detailed information about fragrance materials and their safety profiles. This transparency allows companies to make informed decisions about ingredient use.

6. **Regulatory Compliance:** IFRA's guidelines are not legally binding but are widely adopted within the fragrance industry as a best practice. Many countries and regions use IFRA's recommendations as a basis for their own regulations.

In essence, IFRA plays a vital role in ensuring that fragrances are safe for consumers while promoting responsible and sustainable practices within the fragrance industry. By setting standards and guidelines for ingredient usage, IFRA helps maintain the integrity and safety of fragranced products on the market.

All of our oils are IFRA compliant.  You can see these limits in action at stockfragrance.com - just look for the 'IFRA Guidelines' link on each fragrance oil page.

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